djanah™ is a free communication application for deaf, hard of hearing, aphasic and their friends, family, collegues. djanah™ offers adapted features to stay connected with the people you care about the most.
What can I do with djanah™?
★ Translation of audio messages left by your contacts - Unified Messaging allows to record and translate in text or in sign language audio messages left;
★ Phone via a communication assistant- Make and receive landlines and mobiles phone calls translated, both ways, by a communication assistant: sign language, text subtitling, foreign language, ....
★ djanah™ is available from anywhere and on any operating system: Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android;
★ Automatic captioning calls for the hard of hearing (paid service);
★ Telephone relay via sign language interpreters for deaf signers (paid service);
★ Video call optimized for sign language - Most free video call applications are optimized for face-to-face calls or remote meetings. djanah™ puts priority on communication in sign language;
★ Real-time Chat for Smooth Text Chat - Do not wait until your caller has finished typing a sentence before you can read it. The characters are sent once a key is pressed.
★ Secure Communications - djanah™ automatically encrypts communications;
This application works with a djanah™ account. For more information, visit
*djanah to djanah calls are free. Your operator may charge a fee. We recommend using an unlimited data plan or or Wi-Fi.
djanah™ is compliant with total conversation standard (ITU F.703)